Flywheel Thoughts

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Do what's closest to the money first

Do what's closest to the money first

Social networks are like the digital equivalent of the biggest cocktail party ever held. Don't spike the punchbowl. ...more

Sales Training ,Sales Enablement Coaching &Sales Leadership

February 04, 20212 min read

"More water!"​ is not going to help you put out a grease fire

"More water!"​ is not going to help you put out a grease fire

Your sales rep needed just one more deal to hit quota. This calls for Closing Training! Or does it? ...more

Sales Training ,Sales Enablement Coaching &Sales Leadership

January 11, 20215 min read

If sales is just a numbers game why aren't we all winning?

If sales is just a numbers game why aren't we all winning?

Closing 70%+ of deals is not necessarily a good thing. Numbers lie, and liars use numbers. How to tell if you've got good numbers. ...more

Sales Training ,Sales Enablement Coaching &Sales Leadership

December 04, 20202 min read

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