When you go to a professional networking event is the only thing you discuss your product or your industry? When you go to a convention do you go back to your hotel room for the night at 5pm when the ... ...more
Job Search ,Coaching Personal Development Social Enablement LinkedIn &Career Development
February 08, 2021•3 min read
Teaching high school geometry was one of my favorite jobs - and I've had a lot of them! “It turns out that you have to break some things down before you can build them back even stronger.” #teaching #... ...more
Sales Training ,Sales Enablement Coaching &Personal Development
November 20, 2020•4 min read
People don’t buy savings, they buy solutions. If you are selling based on being cheaper than "the other guy" you are not addressing the reason most people buy. ...more
Sales Training ,Sales Enablement Coaching &Personal Development
November 10, 2020•3 min read